Your Legacy with American River Conservancy
Planning Your Future
In honor of your past, present, and future, American River Conservancy (ARC) invites you to join our Legacy Circle. By including ARC in your will, trust, or other estate plans, you are making a commitment that benefits not only you, your loved ones, and the lands you treasure, but also the future of our community in connection with the rest of the world. Your planned gif today helps to protect rivers and land for life forever.
Your legacy can have a big impact on the future of open spaces that you love while bringing you valuable benefits today, including:
– Tax deductions
– Special invitations to exclusive events
– Membership in ARC’s Legacy Circle
– Control of your assets in your lifetime
– Peace of mind in the future you secure
Your Bequest
Naming ARC as a beneficiary in your will, trust, or estate plan is the simplest way to ensure your lasting wishes will be fulfilled. You can designate any dollar amount, percentage, or the remainder of your estate. You can specify money, stocks, or assets like real estate or valuable items. Essentially anything with an appraised value can be donated during or after your lifetime.
If you have always wanted to give in bigger ways, but you cannot afford large cash donations, your bequest is a great option. Although ARC cannot offer professional advice about your estate plan, we can suggest different types of bequests that align with your personal giving goals.
It’s free, fast, and easy to write your own legal will online and include ARC as a beneficiary at FreeWill.
Your Retirement Plan or Life Insurance Policy
By naming ARC as a partial or full beneficiary, you can donate some or all of your retirement plan or life insurance policy to the conservation of local rivers and land. Please contact your plan or policy administrator to discuss your options.
Your Real Estate
We are your local land trust. We know a lot about real estate. You do not have to own property near the river to donate your land to our shared cause. Either during or after your lifetime, you can donate any type of land or home to the life of your local watershed.
Donating your land or your home either now or later offers different benefits. You might donate land to ARC during your lifetime so we can sell it to support current preservation work. Or you might remain in residence on your donated property, still caring for it, while resting assured it will be left in the right hands. Maybe you want ARC to take on a conservation/agricultural easement for your beloved acreage. The many possibilities for land or home donations can help you figure out your perfect plan.
Unexpected windfalls are often a good thing, but we recommend that you communicate with us about donating your real estate sooner rather than later. We can share ideas about your land donation with conservation, stewardship, and education as your end game.
Your Income-Generating Gifts and Other Ideas
You can protect the lands you love through planned gifts that generate income for you and/or your loved one(s). One example is a charitable remainder trust. Options like this generate income and tax benefits during your lifetime while giving ARC a funding stream to manage our shared conservation goals.
Reliable financial planning institutions offer helpful tools and resources as public information Find some examples online for Charitable Giving Strategies that might work for you now and later. With so many different planned giving options, your personal strategy can be a custom fit.
Your Legacy
Your planned gift to ARC is a compound investment in the future and a testament to your environmental values. If you are planning a substantial gift to help protect local rivers and land, words cannot thank you enough on behalf of all life in the years ahead that will benefit from your generosity today. All the same, we will include you in all the best things we offer.
When ARC knows of your planned gift, we will recognize you by including you in our Legacy Circle. As a Legacy Circle member, you will enjoy special benefits, like exclusive tours, events, and opportunities to be honored in other meaningful ways. Please let us know about your planned gift by completing the Legacy Circle Form. The form is your first step on our journey together. Letting us know your planned gift will help us better manage current and future land projects. We are eager to help you build your legacy according to your own unique plan.
One Member’s Inspiration
“We were exploring options to preserve land in the North Fork Cosumnes and were immediately impressed with ARC’s ability to ‘preserve rivers and land for life.’ We continue to be impressed with ARC’s integrity, competence, and accomplishments. The donation of our property completes a commitment to our son’s generation: to support the health of this little wild river and its creatures, which in turn supports human wellbeing. We are very happy to place our land in ARC’s capable hands.”
Important Information
Planned giving can provide you or your estate with important tax benefits. We recommend that you consult with trusted advisers, including your estate attorney, tax adviser, and financial planner to determine which gift(s) are most appropriate to achieve your giving goals.
For more information about our Legacy Circle, contact us at 530-621-1224 or [email protected].
American River Conservancy is a 501(c)-3 environmental organization working with willing land owners and conservation partners to permanently protect natural and agricultural lands in the Sierra foothills region for present and future generations.
Taxpayer Identification Number: 68-0195752
P.O. Box 562, Coloma, CA 95613