Register here starting December 1st
If you enjoy exploring and learning about our local ecology, engaging in citizen science and sharing your knowledge with others, this program is for you! The 40-hour course combines a science curriculum with guest lecturers, field trips and project –based learning to explore the unique ecology and natural history of the Sierra Foothills. Our California Naturalist class will happen in spring of 2025 with class meetings being offered both in-person and online.
Meeting Days & Times: Ten virtual classroom sessions in-person or via Zoom on Wednesdays, March 19– May 28, 2025. 4:00pm-6:30pm and three in-person, weekend field trips, 3/22, 4/27 and 5/17 (dates subject to change). Course Fee: Early registration (by January 31st) $435 or late registration (Feb. 1st – March 19th, if not full) $465. Registration Fee includes The California Naturalist Handbook (2013, UC Press; $35). If you already have the California Naturalist Handbook, please select the NO BOOK FEE when registering.
Current ARC members receive $20 off registration fees, use code Member25 when registering.
Email [email protected] for more details and information about available scholarships.
Course Benefits Include:
• Classroom sessions and field seminars with expert lecturers and a UC curriculum
• UC California Naturalist Certificate awarded upon completion of course requirements
• Optional UC academic credits for an additional fee
• Future discounts on unique training opportunities
• Opportunities to develop your CV and skill set
• One Year membership to ARC
• A lifetime membership to an elite statewide network
Draft Syllabus
Questions? Contact [email protected]