In 2011 and 2012, American River Conservancy purchased the 757-acre Salmon Falls Ranch in two phases from a willing seller using grant funds and private donations. In 2017, the trailhead parking and trail to the east connected to the South Fork American River Trail, through partnership with BLM. Trail work continued from 2020 to the present through partnership with local trail organizations such as FATRAC and Motherlode Trail Stewardship who tirelessly assist ARC staff to design, fund and recruit volunteers for trail workdays each season (see below). Funding for trail establishment has come from the State of California through the Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Grant Program, REI Co-op, the El Dorado Hills Endowment, Athletic Brewing Company, Latrobe Fund, FATRAC, equestrian groups, and individual donors.
Experience the Chaparral Ridge Trail!
Additional trails are currently being designed and developed at Salmon Falls Ranch. If you are interested in joining the fun, sign up for a Trail Workday!
Non Profit 501c3 tax ID#68-0195752.